Day #8 ~ Getting Organized Challenge (The Coat Closet)
I am going against the plan, again. LOL in Dec before Christmas I organized our coat closet cause we were looking for something. so its still nice and pretty. I decided to tackle my closet cause it was to the point where i could almost not walk in there. Now you see this is NOT my fault at all. It is my husband and daughter. Ok well the clohes are my fault. every few days whatever shoes i have out in the house by the door my husband will take and just throw them in my closet. Then my daughter goes in there and plays with my shoes and my purses so its just a mess. Its also kinda a catch all in a way as well.
We have 2 separate closets in our room, which i love! One is mine the other is the husbands. Our shed is NOT water proof at all so i refuse to put anything in there that we will use again or that is nice. So when our daughter got her toddler bed and we took her crib apart 1/2 of it went in the back of my closet and the other 1/2 is in my husbands. Makenzis infant carseat that she has not used in over 1 1/2 years is in my closet, it will just get gross and nasty outside in the shed.
Before of my Closet:
my OTHER donation pile, I have 3 now.
SO SO SO much a million times better. I dont feel stressed when i go in my closet now.
All these bins are storing my ribbon.

wow love your closet! great job!