Monday, January 3, 2011

{Day 2} Computer Desk

Oh I LOVE todays challenge. Im at the computer a good part of the day and lots of stuff gets piled on here. Although now my top of the desk looks nice, you should see the inside of the cabnits, OH BOY. Hopefully we will have a challenge for that soon or im just gonna have to go ahead of the group!

Here is my desk before. This past weekend i did pick it up and move alot of stuff to its correct place, but im telling you by the end of the day lots more stuff will be on there.



I can honestly tell you that we have had this desk for almost a year and I have never once dusted back there, YUCK. I just never move stuff, kinda like out of sight out of mind, really true here.

I dusted the entire desk, it feels so nice now, and clean!
Now for the afters. You can see im a huge multitasker. I was on cafemom while I was cleaning up my desk.


The black thing is my camera case, i usually keep my camera out of the case and sitting on top cause with a toddler around you never know how fast you will need to get your camera to catch something cute. If you are wondering I have a Nikon D50, is AMAZING!

I feel SO refreshed and ready to go now with my clean desk, now to keep it that way!


  1. looks great! i love having my camera out too. always ready for that special moment

  2. Good job Megan, I know it is a great feeling getting organized. Funny how we need to take an online challenge to do it. Whatever works right?

    Thanks for checking me out, and my green desk.

    I am your newest follower, and would LOVE if you added my weekly party **AMaze me AUgust** to your list. Come link up anytime girl, I would be so happy!!

    Bella :)

  3. Great job Megan. I'm reading this to get my inspiration to get started on the computer desk challenge!


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